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Alvin Ords Rebrand

For a capstone project a group of us decided to take on the challenge of rebranding a sandwich shop from our small college town of San Marcos Called Alvin Ord's. When the idea was first brought up almost none of us had ever heard of this shop before which was astounding seeing that it is within walking distance from the campus. This made it more appealing to try and help them get traction by creating a whole rebrand strategy as a Capstone project. Unfortunately, the owners of Alvin Ord's did not want to get involved with our project but we continued with our project but did not officially publish it for them.


There are a lot of elements that go into a successful rebrand. We made sure to conduct research with our target audience (18-26-year-old college students), created media content such as videos and photographs, transformed their social media presence, and finally designed a website that would appeal to the target audience which is where I came in. 


Another partner and I took on the role of web designer for this project. After the research was conducted we realized we wanted to emphasize two aspects that we want the new Alvin Ord's to represent. Embracing San Marcos Community and Nostalgia


We believe these two items will attract a demographic that Alvin Ord's is currently missing, which is Texas state students ages 18-26 aka the Gen Z crowd here In San Macros.


Alvin Ord's has great potential to attract Texas state students and the San Marcos community one reason being its location. It is walking distance from campus which makes it an ideal location for the community to gather and enjoy a great meal together. Also, the fact that Alvin Ord's is a San Marcos original establishment, it can help attract our target audience. This can be seen work through other similar business models such as Grins and Gils where they lean into their title as local San Marcos shops. So, looking at local San Marcos establishments It is apparent that our small college town supports its own.


The “leave your story behind” aspect ties not only with the San Marcos community but with the nostalgia aspect as well. Nostalgia is a form of emotional escapism for many people and that topic is a favorite for Gen Z right now. As a demographic that was born into a world that seems to be on a decline, a lot of us find comfort in eras like the 2000’s, 90’s, even the 80’s where times seem to be simpler. This can be seen in places like TikTok (which Gen Z is makes up a large chunk of their users) where #nostalgia has over 130 billion views and #90s has about 70 billion views and counting.


We wanted to create a place where people are encouraged to “leave their story behind” with polaroid photos and graffiti booths which will also tie into our online presence using our rebrand kit.


Once the research was collected, we each created a mood board of what we wanted the website to look like. Here is mine, click the image to get a better view.





Alvin Ords Mood Board.png

Once the vision was set the next step was to create a rough sketch of what I wanted the layout to look like. Here is my rough sketch, click the image for a closer look. 

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 8.44.28 PM.png

Me and my partner went ahead and picked out elements we liked from each others roughs and agreed on what was going to be on the final web page and what we were going to discard. Along with this I went ahead and also chose the typography that was going to be used on this project.


In order to keep within the theme, we used Pain De Mie as the primary font of the website and logo due to its aesthetically soft friendliness and fun approachability. It brings a retro yet modern touch to our rebrand which is exactly what we were going for.


Primary Font 

ABC 123

Pain De Mie Regular


For our secondary font, we used a variation of the Lulo font. Also described as a friendly retro font we decided this would be a good fit as a secondary due to readability and fitting ambiance.


Secondary Font 

ABC 123

Lulo clean


Finally, for our paragraph font, we went with a font from the Avenir family, something that was easy to read like Futura but more modern and less geometric to add character.


Paragraph font

ABC 123

Avenir Light


After this, we were ready to start creating the website and worked with other group members to add elements of color, graphic design, and media content to put into our website. Here is the final product, click on the image to go to the full site.


Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 7.46.38 PM.png

As we presented to our class we received a lot of positive feedback for every element implemented into this rebranding project, many of which believing the rebrand launch was going to actually happen. Again, the owners did not want to work with us so our rebranding of Alvin Ord's will stay as a passion project for us and for you to enjoy.

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